Vst Plugin Analyser By Christian Budde

I’d like to share my first creation in the VST world.
It’s meant to be an emulation of a famous EQ (sure you can guess…)
I just passed two weeks to check, tweak, compare, try and read forums and since I am totally unable to write (or even read) one line of code, this release is a kind of patchwork (see the credits). I just made my brain on fire to find some creative way to put this together and to fix common issues with EQ designing (Nyquist freq warping, phase issues,…)
So I hope you’ll enjoy this even if it’s not this revolutionary 😉


– Carefully matched EQ curves with gain-dependant variable Q.
– No oversampling but (quite) corrected curves near nyquist frequency (only for 44.1 & 48 kHz samplerates).
– Soft clip (odd harmonics) & tube (even & odd) distortion section.
– No warped phase behavior in the high range.
– Double precision with a SNR of 125dB.

Vst plugin analyser by christian budde music

VST Plugin Analyser is a free development tool plugin developed by Christian Budde. Compatible OS(s): Windows. VST Plugin Analyser is a measurement tool for VST Plugins. It can be used by plugin developers for debugging and as a quality control tool, since it can work with virtually any sample rate and any VST Host settings. Feb 08, 2018 This is a must have really for the price and all the functions which it offers, Thank you for the heads up, Ronnie. It fills in the gap which Christian Budde’s VST Plugin Analyser has left after not being updated to run 64-bitetc. Vst Plugin Analyser By Christian Budde Download Youtube Dynamics measurement is available too, with a ramping signal used to test compression or expansion, or an attack-release signal to check a compressor’s attack and decay response.


Big thanks to these guys (which are « real » developers !! 😉

– « tor » for his double precision version of biquad filters.
Check his website for great free VST gems: http://www.audioteknikk.net

– Christian-W. Budde for his awesome « VST Plugin Analyzer »: http://www.savioursofsoul.de/Christian/


– About weird phase behaviour in the Hi range:

This is a common problem with oversampling in Synthmaker, generally you get this:

Vst Plugin Analyser By Christian Budden

This result in hi-freq roll off (even leaving all parameters at zero) when you insert the plugin in a track of a multitrack recording, really disturbing 😦

So, choosing not to use oversampling avoid this kind of effect. But this creates another issue: warped frequency curve while approaching nyquist frequency.

-About the corrected curve near nyquist:

Vst plugin analyser by christian budde youtube

What is done here is an automatic correction of the Q depending on the frequency, it starts operating after 10000 Hz, and only for samplerates under 48000 Hz.

If you’re working at higher samplerates, there is no need of this correction because the Nyquist frequency is much higher.

If you watch carefully, you can see that the curve is not totally corrected, but the left part of the bell nearly match the original curve.

(I am currently working on way to develop a better correction)

Below is a comparison between not corrected Q without oversampling and the correction included in the plugin (also without oversampling):

Not corrected:


Below, is the harmonic distortion depending on settings:

Vst Plugin Analyser By Christian Budde Video


Vst Plugin Analyser By Christian Budde Youtube

Soft Clip:

Vst plugin analyser by christian budde 2019

Vst Plugin Analyzer By Christian Budde
