- Email Address Collector 6 Serial Numbers
- Email Address Collector 6 Serial Number
- Email Address Collector 6 Serial Killer

Email Address Collector 6 Serial Numbers
For faster warranty assistance please include your unit's model and serial number. Suryansh Broadcasting Private Limited Reg Office: XI/234-B, Near Gandhi Square Maneed, Piravom- 686 664, Ernakulam, Kerala, India Corporate Identity Number: U93000KL2010PTC039156. Information about what each field will store is listed in italics, and should not be part of the field name: o Employee ID (A random letter, followed by a 6-digit number uniquely identifying each employee) o First Name (Employee’s first name) o Last Name (Employee’s last name) o Office Location (Employee’s office location – identified.
Email Address Collector 6 Serial Number

Email Address Collector 6 Serial Killer
Background Information: The Board of Directors has accepted your recommendations for the new desktop and laptop computers to install, and you have been given the authorization to proceed. To keep track of the installations you have performed, you will use an Access database. The database will keep track of each employee, and identify the computer that is assigned to them. Your company has 2,000 employees, but for this assignment you only will create a database to track the employees in the Human Resources department. Requirements: Create a new, blank database and save it as AccessProject-LastName-FirstName.accdb (where LastName-FirstName should be replaced with your last and first name). Pay attention to the location where you are saving the file so that you can locate it later. Switch to Design View so that you can begin adding fields to a table. When you are prompted to save the table, use HR_COMPUTERS as the table name. Delete the default ID field from the table. Add the following fields to the table. Information about what each field will store is listed in italics, and should not be part of the field name: o Employee ID (A random letter, followed by a 6-digit number uniquely identifying each employee) o First Name (Employee’s first name) o Last Name (Employee’s last name) o Office Location (Employee’s office location – identified by a 3- or 4-digit room number) o Phone (Employee’s office telephone number) o Email Address (Employee’s business e-mail address) o Computer Type (Type of computer – either desktop or laptop) o Computer Serial Number (11-character alphanumeric unique serial number found on computer) Set an appropriate data type for each field. Add an appropriate description for each field. Set the Employee ID field as the primary key. Set appropriate field sizes for each field. For example, the Office Location field might have a field size of 3 or 4, because office locations are identified by a 3- or 4-digit room number. Use the information above to help determine the correct field sizes. For fields such as First Name, Last Name, and Email address, you should decide on an appropriate field size that is not too large, but will adequately store your employees’ information. Make the necessary changes so that each field is required, and does not allow any zero length