Overuse Of Cell Phones Causes Trauma In Young Brains Essay

Cell phone, social media and technological interactions are ruining our generations face to face communication skills. The use of technology to communicate has drastically increased over the past two decades. In 2002 only 10% of the world’s population used cell phones and by 2005 that number had risen to 46% (Pierce). Although technology is great and all-what is it doing to the way teens communicate now a days? It is completely transforming our culture.


A study done by Tamyra Pierce examined 280 high school students to assess their use of technology and how it affected the students socially. The observational study consisted of a survey in which each student was to answer which social media accounts he or she possessed, how long each spent on his or her phone and how comfortable he or she was in face-to-face situations. The findings showed that there is in fact a correlation between social anxiety of face to face interaction which increases with the amount of online interaction one participates in. Furthermore, students reported that they were much less nervous meeting friends online than they were meeting new people in person, both startling pieces of evidence.

Overuse Of Cell Phones Causes Trauma In Young Brains Essay Examples


Let’s take for example two individuals in a relationship. If the couple spends more time communicating and spending time through texting, there is a loss of affection in the relationship. One misses out on the intimacy of actually spending quality face to face time with someone. Texting and social media allows people to hide behind screens and to not truly express themselves for who they are. In an article referenced by Psych Central, the author stressed that avoiding uncomfortable and undesired situations by addressing them through text message is detrimental. As quoted by Bernard Guerney, founder of the National Institute of Relationship Enhancement, “you grow some when you face things, and I think you lose something when you have to resort to tricky things and not confront people about things that are intimately important” (Psych Central). By communicating through text message and social media, there is a loss in social and personal development.

By Trevor Haynes figures by Rebecca Clements “I feel tremendous guilt,” admitted Chamath Palihapitiya, former Vice President of User Growth at Facebook, to an audience of Stanford students. He was responding to a question about his involvement in exploiting consumer behavior. “The short-term, dopamine-driven feedback loops that we have created are destroying how society works,” he. There is a growing body of research showing that placing a cell phone up to your ear can cause brain tumors and alter brain function. In 2011, the World Health Organization (WHO) urged limits on. There are 35% of people think of their cell phones the moment they wake up and only about 10% of people think of their significant others. As high as 44% of 18-24 year-olds fall asleep with their phones still in their hands. Almost 40% of cell phone users never disconnect themselves from their phones, even when they are on vacation.

Overuse Of Cell Phones Causes Trauma In Young Brains Essay Example

Overuse Of Cell Phones Causes Trauma In Young Brains Essay

In addition, social skills and face to face interactions are damaged through impersonal communication because the individual is unable to express body language, tone, voice, touch and facial expressions through text message.

Overuse Of Cell Phones Causes Trauma In Young Brains Essay Pdf


The science behind such discoveries shows that there is a natural comfort in connecting behind phone screens than face-to-face, which in turn negatively affects how our generation develops and communicates with one another.

Overuse Of Cell Phones Causes Trauma In Young Brains Essay Sample

Overuse Of Cell Phones Causes Trauma In Young Brains Essay

There are 35% of people think of their cell phones the moment they wake up and only about 10% of people think of their significant others. As high as 44% of 18-24 year-olds fall asleep with their phones still in their hands. Almost 40% of cell phone users never disconnect themselves from their phones, even when they are on vacation.