Well, hellooo~! This is my first post on my blog. I am an avid My Candy Love player and fanatic, and because I get along with the guys and am always helping people with what to say in the forums/PMs, I decided to open a blog for everyone instead of just my friends and people I meet! So now everyone can benefit!
- My Candy Love generator is an excellent, user-friendly tool that makes it possible for users to generate Dollars and Action Points. By using this amazing specially designed hack, any player can gain regular access to unlimited Dollars and Action Points for My Candy Love game as often as needed everyday.
- Well, there they are - my top 10 tips for tricking or flat out cheating at Candy Crush. I'd love to hear how they work for you in the comments, and if you've come across any other great Candy Crush tips, tricks, or cheats, for the sake of my sanity, let me know! I'd love to hear how these tips and cheats work for you in the comments, and if.
My Candy Love Hack Cheats #2020 100% Working Unlimited Dollars No Code. My Candy Love Hack Tips 2020 100% Functioning Infinite Dollars No Rule We have previously had that attention on us My Candy Love for rather quite a long time and yet a serious big crowd of supporters knowledgeable us in the. For My Candy Love on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), GameFAQs has game information and a community message board for game discussion.
I decided to start from the beginning, and am now replaying episode one D: but hey, if it helps you guys out, no problem! I decided, also, to do all the boys at once, so you don’t have to click around :3 YAY! Let’s begin.
—-You get to make a choice: A) See the student body president, or B) Look around. If you choose to look around, Ken will have your enrollment form, and you will meet Castiel first, then Ken. If you choose to be responsible right away and see the president, you will meet Nathaniel first, and he will have your form. Both outcomes end the same except the order in which you meet the characters and who has the form. I chose to look around because I am an irresponsable weirdo 😦
CASTIEL!!!!! HELLO MY….friend.
A) Hello, I’m new. I was told to find the student body president. (- Affinity)
B) Hello, I’m new. (Neutral Affinity)
C) ….Hi? (+4 Affinity)
CASTIEL: Hi. (If you choose C. Choose A or B and other dialogue comes up…but it ends the same anyway.)
“I just got here. I’m having a look around…”
CASTIEL: Go have your look around.
I assume none of you need Ken’s dialogue. But I’ll tell you one thing: PICK. THE. NICE. OPTIONS. It doesn’t matter if he’s crazy and not good looking- trust me, you will regret being mean to him in the future….trussttt meee….
So after you meet Ken, go into the stu co room. There you will find Nathaniel.
A) HELLO?! Nathaniel, are you in here?! (- Affinity)
B) Hello, I’m looking for the student body president (+6 Affinity)
C) Hi, have you seen Nathaniel around? (Neutral Affinity)
NATHANIEL: Hello, I’m Nathaniel, do you need something?
A) The principal asked me to come and see you about my enrollment form. (+5 Affinity)
B) You have to check my enrollment form, the principal said so. (- Affinity or Neutral)
NATHANIEL: Oh, you’re the new student. Sure, I’ll take a look… *shuffle shuffle*
A) It’s not a big deal, right? I mean, it’s only paperwork WITH MY PARENTS SIGNATURE WHICH IS LIKE AMAZINGLY IMPORTANT (- Affinity)
B) I checked everything myself, are you sure? (+5 Affinity)
C) Ok, I’ll leave that all with you and come back when it’s ready (- Affinity)
NATHANIEL: In any case, it’s nice to see a new student here who’s serious.
Come on, Natty 😦 You gotta party! Hey, is it ironic that Natty and Party rhyme…? Or is that a juxtaposition, in a way…nah, it’s more ironic I guess.
Um, when you run into Castiel, the options to ask him for MONEY, your enrollment form, and where you got your ID option take it are all either neutral or negative. So don’t ask him anything; ask Ken. Just for kicks, get your photo taken at the dollar shop, Ken/Nat will have your enrollment form, and you automatically have the money.
I click around, meet Iris, and the run until Castiel again. Be nice to Iris 🙂 She’s sweet anyway, why wouldn’t you want to be?
CASTIEL: You again?
Uhm, you should be honored by my presence D: Kidding, haha 😦
A) Yeah, am I bothering you? (? Affinity. Neutral probably….yeah, either bad or neutral.)
B) That T-Shirt reminds me of something. (+4 Affinity)
C) Do those clothes mean you are trying to rebel or something? (- Affinity for obvious reasons.)
CASTIEL: Oh yeah? And what does it remind you of, something from one of your cartoons?
A) Get out of here, that’s a popular goth band….(- Affinity…hahaha…Goth bands aren’t like that…haha…)
B) Get out of here, that’s a rock band. (+8 Affinity!!!)
C) Get out of here, that’s from a popular online game. (- Affinity…you know, this could work for Armin xD)
CASTIEL: Oh, so the new student knows the band winged skull?
A) Yeah, I like it sometimes. (+6 Affinity)
B) Yeah! Rock out baby, I love rock! (- Affinity, duh…hahahahahahaha)
C) I hate all of that… (- Affinity, obviously again…)
CASTIEL: Cool, I don’t know many girls who are into that.
*gasp* Already we have a special place in his heart >.<
Click to the hallway. Nathaniel is there….or in the stu co room.
NATHANIEL: (NAME), I’m sorry to tell you but your registration form couldn’t be completed.
A) This is a joke, right? (Not sure about the affinity. I guess negative, but just a little.)
B) What? Why? What did I do wrong? (+6 Affinity)
C) ….Are you kidding me? There’s no way I can enroll here? (- Affinity)
NATHANIEL: Haha, you should see your face! So, pretty good joke, huh?
A) “Ha, ha, ha” *sigh* Pretty lame joke. (- Affinity)
B) Your jokes are really not that great. (Neutral Affinity)
My Candy Love Cheats
C) Ah, that’s not funny, you had me worried! (+5 Affinity)
NATHANIEL: Oh, sorry, I’ll try harder next time.
So, I click around, there are no more dialogue, so go to the dollar shop and buy a photo. Then go to the school. In the hallway the principal will ask you to find a paper clip, because she can’t get to the office and get one because her dog Kiki chewed her legs off.
The paperclip is in the classroom, on a desk.
Then, the boys will ask you for a date. I was nice to Ken because I couldn’t force myself to be mean, so I get to go eat cookies with him. If you choose Castiel, he takes you up onto the roof. Nathaniel shows you the library.
My Candy Love Game Cheats
THE END! Yay 🙂 Thanks for reading.
Today we meet for an article of love and cheat. If you are on this page it means you are a fan of My Candy Love and you are looking for action points (AP) and free dollars. That’s good, we have exactly what you need: a generator of action points and dollars. Would you like to see how it works?
Our generator of action points and dollars hack
How does our generator work? This is what we will try to explain to you throughout this article.
The AP and Dollars Generator is a 100% LuvCheats creation. Since the appearance of the game on iOS and Android our developers have focused on a flaw found within the game and this is what allowed them to create the cheat you will use today.
Why use our cheat trick?
The AP and dollars generator offered by LuvCheats is a cheating trick that allows the player to save a lot of money. Free and unlimited use, it seduces especially by its protective equipment that allows anonymous use and avoids any risk of ban.
If we give you free access to our generator it’s because we are firmly fighting all freemium games and especially all publishers who fill their pockets with their lies. Because, if a game is designated as freemium, it is because it must be free, no?
Well, think again, dear LuvCheats visitor. My Candy Love is actually available for free to download on our platforms, but it contains paid options. And it’s far from the only game involved in the case. Take a look at our blog, there are many others!
It is precisely on these paid options that “play” publishers. By making them more than optional and downright necessary if you want to evolve even a little bit in My Candy Love!

We have been victims for long time of this type of game and it is by combining our computer skills and our passion for video games that we managed to develop a cheats like the generator of AP and dollars for My Candy Love.
The main objective of this type of hacks is to bypass the payments imposed by the freemium mode. Especially to ensure that all players can enjoy it fully, without limits and without breaking the bank account!
100% Secure hack of AP and dollars
At LuvCheats, our generators are particularly popular because they all have a security system that makes the identity of its users invisible! Exit any risk of ban.
This security system is also equipped with an anti-robot test. By manually enabling this security you allow the generator to recognize you as human and not as malware. This activation is, therefore, mandatory for your cybersecurity.
To use our cheat in the best way, we suggest you to follow the steps listed below and to follow the example video which you will find at the top of this article to activate our security system.
How to use the generator of AP and Dollars
- Step 1 – Click on the “Go to Generator” button at the top of this page
- Step 2 – To identify yourself, simply indicate and choose: either the username you use for My Candy Love or the identifier that connects you to your download platform.
- Step 3 – Choose the amount of AP and then the dollars you want to inject into your My Candy Love account and click on “Start Generator”
- Step 4 – Using the video posted at the top of this article, activate our security system and wait a few moments.
- Step 5 – Then restart My Candy Love to enjoy your AP and dollars to live the most beautiful virtual love story you’ve ever had!
My Candy Love Review
My Candy Love is love game on mobile! Available on iOS and Android this little mobile game will melt all girls looking for a thrilling and fun adventure.
The game offers to take the place of a young high school girl looking for love.
As we have already said in the article, the game is a particularly addictive freemium. It is, therefore, very easy for game publishers to manipulate the players and make them pay APs and dollars on the store.
However, thanks to our AP and dollar generator, these resources are now available for free and you do not have to worry about the limited time of your games anymore.
You will have noticed for yourself: the use of our hack is particularly simple. You can come back when you need more AP and dollars since our cheat is for unlimited and regular use.
Have fun! See you in game 😉
The LuvCheats Team.