KPAstro has a world's best KP system astrology software providing accurate KP astrology output KP Software finding Promise of Events and Fruitful Significants. LeoStar Professional Software cracked license and key crack 2013 This astrological software contains complete Astrological Calculation with Remedies, Predictions, Various Charts, Dashas etc. Available in more than 12 languages including Hindi and English with modules Astrology, Matching, Varshphal, Numerology, Horary, K.P., Lalkitab, Muhurat. KP system is based on the Placidus system and requires accurate calculations. Erecting a chart manually is quite a difficult task; you require a good software to ably assist you in your work. That is why, after evaluating other existing software at that time, we developed KPAstro in 2004. Free KP janma kundali, KP Horoscope, KP Astrology Software. Here you can get your complete Krishnamurthy paddhati (KP) birth chart, planet & house sub lords, 5 level vimsottari dasha. You can get your rashi, nakshatra details, western progression, ghata chakra, lagna, navamsha and bhava kundali. Windows, android. Free download Jyotishya Deepika V5.2.2, Astrology Software for KP Astrologers, (with K.P Ayanamsa) developed by Kumara Sanjaya.

Licensing is a simple 2 Step Process for Light of KP Astrology (LOKPA) software. You will receive your license maximum within 2 business/working days.
1. Install the software on your computer from the DVD or the direct download link provided to you.
2. During installation the software will ask for the License Code.
3. Copy and Paste the License Number in the Activation window and click Activate and your software is activated for lifetime use.

Our software has been extensively tested to work under various computer system environments. It is a bug free software. Ensure that you have genuine Windows Operating system and Microsoft products. Having any pirated versions of any kind of software which are pirated with keygen, patches or crack can harm your computer system permanently and lead to data loss. Having such elements in your computer system can also create malfunction with our software and create licensing problem. So, we urge you to have a clean system environment before you install and license our software. In case you are running any pirated software of any kind on your computer system and due to this our LOKPA software malfunctions, then we would not be responsible for it.

Exhaustive Computations of Horoscope, Varshphal, Matching, Horary Analysis, Lal Kitab, Numerology, Muhurat, Lal Kitab, KP System and Panchang.
Thousands of yogas.
Supports various Ayanamsa with a facility to add user defined Ayanamsa.
Full control of planet names, font size, color, alignment etc.
Superimpose “chart in a chart” to any level and then further configure each of these charts.
User defined support for dynamically configuring the astrological chart type, language for printing planet names, back color, fore color etc.

Select with complete flexibility the astrological parameters you want to graph/plot.
Graph styles in the hands of the users and dynamically reconfigured.
Print you graphs at any size or embed them in any page of any model.
Selective reporting based on astrologer, language, model, etc. to get better planning.
Permanent backup support for all transactions.
Categorize your horoscopes based on research, trends, sport persons, politicians etc. for better planning.
Device month wise report of sales figures.
Language selection for each object (Dasa, Chart, Prediction, etc.) dynamically configurable.
Supports multiple language data entry for even the same horoscope.
Available in Hindi, English, Gujarati, Marathi, Bangla, Punjabi & Nepali. Many Indian & Foreign languages are being developed.
Inbuilt inter language font translation support.
On-line context sensitive help in language of choice.
Number of Mantras are also there in the program. They are audible with proper syntax.
Contains fully interactive large city database.
Availability of books on various topics such as Astrology, Lal Kitab, Muhurth, Palmisty, Saral Jyotish within the package itself.
User can create own worksheet in any desired language.
User can change input date format from DD/MM/YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY and vice versa.

Print 1, 2, 4 or 8 pages per leaf on single or both sides.
Dynamically place objects to match your pre printed stationery.
Support features for both sides printing, printing for centre stapling, printing for spiral binding, etc., total print logging and reporting.
Print Horoscope with borders on plain A4 Sheets and in any desired Color.
Configure the software to listen mantra available in Leo Star at the start of the program upto any number of times specified by you.
Facility to listen any other mantra of your own, available on your computer from Leo Star.
Kp Astro 4.5 Cracked
Create your own astrological rules/conditions using the friendly LEO scripting language.
Predictions can be translingual i.e. on the same page print the same prediction in any number of languages.
Dynamically readjust color, font, size, alignment, etc.
Insert pictures of your choice, into your predictions for better illustration.