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Image Type | JPG |
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Resolution | 650x464 |
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License | Personal Use |
Size | 86 KB |
Views | 13 |
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Bhagavad Gita is knowledge of five basic truths and the relationship of each truth to the other: These five truths are Krishna, or God, the individual soul, the material world, action in this world, and time. The Gita lucidly explains the nature of consciousness, the self, and the universe.
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Marathi documents, articles, scriptures, poems in ITRANS and devanagari and Marathi Learning Resources.

You can find links for other languages below. Download Game Cracks Database Programs. Please use the download link below to get the FREE online copy in mp3 format with many other Hindu Scriptures available for download. The Shrimad Bhagavad Gita is considered to be among the greatest spiritual books the world has ever known. Bhagwan Shri Krishn describes the science of self-realization and the exact process by which a human being can establish their eternal relationship with God.
In pure spiritual knowledge the Bhagavad Gita is incomparable to any other known scripture. Its intrinsic beauty is that its knowledge applies to all human beings and does not postulate any sectarian ideology or secular view. Thus, Shirmad Bhagavad Gita is not just for Hindus but it is for all of Humanity.
It is approachable from the sanctified realms of all religions and is glorified as the epitome of all spiritual teachings. This is because proficiency in the Bhagavad Gita reveals the eternal principles which are fundamental and essential for spiritual life from all perspectives and allows one to perfectly understand the esoteric truths hidden within all religious scriptures. Many great thinkers from our times such as Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi and Albert Schweizer as well as Madhvacharya, Sankaracharya and Ramanujaharya etc. From bygone ages have all contemplated and deliberated upon its timeless message. The primary purpose of the Bhagavad Gita is to illuminate for all of humanity the realization of the true nature of divinity, for the highest spiritual conception and the greatest material perfection is to attain love of God. If you would like to download Shrimad Bhagavad Gita in mp3 format so you can listen to it on your mp3 player or cell phone then please use this link and download a copy.
Bhagavad Gita Saar
Its available in many languages. We have added many other Hindu Scriptures for download also. Please use link below: You can also download this from the link below.