Synapse Kinect Sierra

  1. Synapse Kinect Sierra Update
  2. Synapse Kinect Sierra Download
  3. Synapse Kinect Sierra Vista
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Synapse Kinect Sierra Update

Hello, I'm just starting a project with Max for a class and my goal is to use a kinect to affect sound samples. When I saw the introduction video for Synapse (linked below) I was excited because he's doing exactly what I aim to accomplish. The only thing is that it says Synapse only works on Mountain Lion and Snow Leopard. I'm running Sierra right now and I am unable to get Synapse to work. Is it possible to run Synapse on Sierra or is it locked to those two OS editions? Thanks
  • Hi Frank, I am just wondering if you got any solution ? I've got the same issue and has been looking online allllll day long to try to resolve it. Would be great if you could let me know. Many thanks.
  • Same here, I have Kinect 1414 and Mac Sierra 10.12.6 and Max 7.3.1. I followed steps at: successfully which installs MacPorts, libtool, libusb-devel +universal, OpenNI, SensorKinect, NITE middleware. l ran the OpenNI sample scripts and was able to see motion tracking and player recognition tests working for my Kinect--So I know my mac sees the Kinect now. I'm seeking an alternative to Synapse that will work with Sierra. The end goal is to get Max seeing my Kinect any suggestions are appreciated!
  • I have not used Synapse. But for a project I did last year, I had good results working with the Kinect in Processing. Even if you don't know Processing yet, this tutorial is excellent for getting started:
    You can then send data from Processing to Max via OSC.
  • Thanks, I'm going to also try Ni-mate: Kinect-Via-Nimate: will report the results back here.
  • Ni-Mate had a mac related bug where OSC label are sent without the x y z values. :(I'm going to try using Processing by loading the SimpleKinect sketch from So far though it seems this sketch works best in Processing v2 according to his FAQ at: you need to install 3 dependancies libraries of the exact (older) versions the author used so:ControlP5 library (version 2.0.4) from from: from: I will confirm this works when I get it working.
  • I have the exact same configuration as you and since weeks I am vainly trying to get my Kinect data sent via OSC to Quartz Composer. How are things going with Processing? Did it work as you expected? It would be great to have a feedback on your experience

Synapse Kinect Sierra Download

SYNAPSE for Kinect

Update: There’s some newer Kinect hardware out there, “Kinect for Windows”. This hardware is slightly different, and doesn’t work with Synapse. Be careful when purchasing, Synapse only supports “Kinect for Xbox”. Update to the update: There appears to also be newer “Kinect for Xbox” hardware out there. Model 1414 Kinects work with Synapse, but I’m getting reports that the newer 1473 models do not work. Update the third: Synapse doesn’t work on Windows 8, sorry.


The sound design has been revamped for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and that means that you’ll be able to use sound to your advantage. Couple the in-game sound effects with a good headset and the right settings and you’ll be able to hear where players are coming from. The Synapse app for Mac and Windows that allows you to easily use your Kinect to control Ableton Live, Quartz Composer, Max/MSP/Jitter, and any other application that can receive OSC events. It sends joint positions and hit events via OSC, and also sends the depth image into Quartz Composer. L ran the OpenNI sample scripts and was able to see motion tracking and player recognition tests working for my Kinect-So I know my mac sees the Kinect now. I'm seeking an alternative to Synapse that will work with Sierra. The end goal is to get Max seeing my Kinect any suggestions are appreciated! Synapse is an app for Mac and Windows that allows you to easily use your Kinect to control Ableton Live, Quartz Composer, Max/MSP/Jitter, and any other application that can receive OSC events. It sends joint positions and hit events via OSC, and also sends the depth image into Quartz Composer. Jul 02, 2019 I have been trying the linux install instructions on macOS. It seems that most steps in CMake work, but the DepthEngine is Windows/Nix only. Would be amazing if you could release the DepthEngine for macOS. The rest should be achievable by the community / via Pull Request etc. A huge number of our community ( openFrameworks ) would make good use of macOS support.


Synapse is an app for Mac and Windows that allows you to easily use your Kinect to control Ableton Live, Quartz Composer, Max/MSP/Jitter, and any other application that can receive OSC events. It sends joint positions and hit events via OSC, and also sends the depth image into Quartz Composer. In a way, this allows you to use your whole body as an instrument. Here’s a video with more info and a demonstration:


If you have a Kinect and just want to jump right into playing music with the example project I showed there, it’s very easy to set up, and free. Head over to the Download page.

Synapse Kinect Sierra Vista

If you’re interested in working with Synapse to create new projects, follow the links on the sidebar for instructions on how to use Synapse to interact with Ableton Live, Quartz Composer, and Max/MSP.